LiveNation is committed to reducing its environmental footprint. Over the years, we have taken steps to mitigate our impact including:


Lab Ideas


Serving locally sourced produce, responsibly raised meats, and vegetarian options at our US amphitheaters.

Green Therapy


Providing free water refill stations at our festivals to help reduce the use of single use plastic water bottles. Offering reusable and refillable beer pints to cut down on waste.

Support Team


Reducing energy use by switching to energy efficient lighting. Sourcing offsite renewable energy in select markets.

Moving Forward

Over the next several months, we will be taking steps to better understand our biggest impacts so we can take measured steps to reduce them. We have a long way to go, but we are committed to improving and in 2016 hired our first Sustainability Manager to oversee and implement sustainability improvements at our US amphitheaters.